I’m living in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I tend to think about machine learning, building engineering teams, politics and sports.
I like to mentor. I have taught graduate courses on programming and data science at Duke University and tutored people professionally at all stages of their careers.
At various times in the past I have run commercial software teams, executive’d at a fortune 5, founded startups, dabbled in academia, and worked as a software developer at places ranging from Microsoft to 2-person startups. I’m currently leading technology at Yardstik.
To contact me run the following code to get my email address:
import base64
x = b'a3B0aUFkdnVtNHMvZHBu'
y = base64.b64decode(x).decode('ascii')
z = "".join([chr(ord(i)-1) for i in y])
Kudos to Stephen Diehl on the inspiration here
Or just find me on twitter @josh_cutler